Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff

The Benefits of Therapeutic Wellness for Your Mind and Body

By addressing the root causes of stress and other mental and physical health issues, therapeutic wellness can help you feel better and live a more fulfilling life. Learn more about the benefits of healing your mind and body and how to get started on your journey to better functioning and improved quality of life.

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Anxiety Luna Yono Anxiety Luna Yono

Healing from Emotionally Abusive Relationships

Emotional abuse may not leave physical wounds, but it can leave emotional wounds that require healing and care. Healing from emotional abuse can take time, but it’s possible to heal and be ready to accept love from yourself and others, put your trust into others, and develop gentle and healthy relationships. 

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Anxiety Kellie King-Bossie Anxiety Kellie King-Bossie

Therapy for Women

Being a woman in today’s society can be filled with numerous struggles. From juggling major tasks like motherhood, having a career, taking care of others, while also somehow finding time to take care of one’s self, it can be difficult to handle. Seeking out therapy for specific women’s issues can be incredibly beneficial, and might even be vital for life improvement.

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Anxiety Lori Janik Anxiety Lori Janik

Connection and Compassion amidst Social Isolation

The world is indeed a different place than it was just a few years ago. Factors of assurance such as stable jobs, affordable housing, available food, and transportation resources are harder to find. If you are like many, you likely have dealt with a variety of emotions, sensations, and experiences during the last couple years. Learn how to create and nurture compassion and connection for yourself and in your community.

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Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff

Losing It: How Anxiety Can Lead to a Fear of Going Crazy

If you have ever had a panic attack you know how uncomfortable and scary they can be. Maybe you start to fear that you are going crazy and losing control. If this sounds like you, know you’re not alone. And that there are ways to manage your anxiety and support yourself during panic attacks.

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Coping Skills, Anxiety, Grounding, Trauma Jennifer Vandegriff Coping Skills, Anxiety, Grounding, Trauma Jennifer Vandegriff

Struggling with How to Get Over Something: Tips for Letting It Be

You keep yourself distracted with social media, television, and constant background noise, but when it gets quiet, those negative thoughts creep back in. That horrible thing you did five years ago, the time that boy hurt your feelings in fifth grade, the painful breakup you had six months ago. You probably just want it to go away and wonder how to get over something that happened in the past.

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Anxiety, perfectionism Jennifer Vandegriff Anxiety, perfectionism Jennifer Vandegriff

Am I a Perfectionist?

Perfectionism feels so affirming…until it doesn’t. Perfectionism robs you of joy and a feelings of accomplishment and worth. Take our “Am I a Perfectionist Quiz” to learn the signs and then work on untangling your thoughts related to worthiness and productivity.

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Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff

Working Mom Guilt: Depression and Anxiety in Working Moms

Women who work outside the home have a work day and then come home to a second shift of home tasks. Homework, cooking, cleaning, baths, and spending precious minutes with their partner leaves little time for self care or “me time.” When we talk about doing it all and taking care of everyone and everything, this does not generally extend to ourselves.

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