Anxiety Kellie King-Bossie Anxiety Kellie King-Bossie

Therapy for Women

Being a woman in today’s society can be filled with numerous struggles. From juggling major tasks like motherhood, having a career, taking care of others, while also somehow finding time to take care of one’s self, it can be difficult to handle. Seeking out therapy for specific women’s issues can be incredibly beneficial, and might even be vital for life improvement.

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Anxiety Lori Janik Anxiety Lori Janik

Connection and Compassion amidst Social Isolation

The world is indeed a different place than it was just a few years ago. Factors of assurance such as stable jobs, affordable housing, available food, and transportation resources are harder to find. If you are like many, you likely have dealt with a variety of emotions, sensations, and experiences during the last couple years. Learn how to create and nurture compassion and connection for yourself and in your community.

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Motherhood Jennifer Vandegriff Motherhood Jennifer Vandegriff

The Emotional Rollercoaster: Perimenopause and Mental Health

Menopause has been portrayed as the time in life when women lose both their fertility and their minds. Portrayals of hormonal, hysterical women who can turn on you in an instant are common - when menopause is even mentioned at all. But what about the period before menopause? What do we know about perimenopause and mental health - and why is no one talking about it?

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Trauma Benita DeLuca Trauma Benita DeLuca

Why Do I Dissociate During Therapy?

If you have ever “spaced out,” or lost track of time daydreaming, you have experienced dissociation. Dissociation is normal and a regular function of the human brain. It is a type of coping that our body learns in order to help keep us safe. If you’re in therapy, it can be confusing when you start to dissociate during session. You feel safe, you have tools, but sometimes it happens.

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Motherhood Claire Coonrod Motherhood Claire Coonrod

Treating Anxiety without Medication

If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you know it can feel like you’ve lost some control over your life. Often times when we decide to reach out for help, we get prescriptions. Sometimes we begin to feel reliant on our medications and less confident in our own ability to manage and control anxiety. Here’s the good news: We can treat anxiety without the use of medication. Learn the tools you can use to manage anxiety without medication.

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Motherhood Lori Janik Motherhood Lori Janik

Mental Wellness for Mothers: Why it Matters Most

What are the words most often used to describe a mother? Strong. Brave. Patient. Perfect. And yet - mother to mother - we know the inside truths, sometimes we struggle with our mental wellness. What can we do to feel better when we carry so much? The best way to honor our mothers is to honor their needs for rest and wellbeing.

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Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff Anxiety Jennifer Vandegriff

Losing It: How Anxiety Can Lead to a Fear of Going Crazy

If you have ever had a panic attack you know how uncomfortable and scary they can be. Maybe you start to fear that you are going crazy and losing control. If this sounds like you, know you’re not alone. And that there are ways to manage your anxiety and support yourself during panic attacks.

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