Anxiety Kellie King-Bossie Anxiety Kellie King-Bossie

Therapy for Women

Being a woman in today’s society can be filled with numerous struggles. From juggling major tasks like motherhood, having a career, taking care of others, while also somehow finding time to take care of one’s self, it can be difficult to handle. Seeking out therapy for specific women’s issues can be incredibly beneficial, and might even be vital for life improvement.

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Anxiety Lori Janik Anxiety Lori Janik

Connection and Compassion amidst Social Isolation

The world is indeed a different place than it was just a few years ago. Factors of assurance such as stable jobs, affordable housing, available food, and transportation resources are harder to find. If you are like many, you likely have dealt with a variety of emotions, sensations, and experiences during the last couple years. Learn how to create and nurture compassion and connection for yourself and in your community.

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