Safe and Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a practical and therapeutic use of the polyvagal theory to help reduce sensitivities, improve functioning, and regulate your nervous system. SSP uses specially filtered music to stimulate the vagus nerve and train the neural network to more readily recognize sounds of safety and connectedness, resulting in a more regulated and effective state of being.

What Can You Expect:

During our initial session, we will complete paperwork and discuss the process and questions or concerns. Preparation for using the Safe and Sound Protocol includes learning about the polyvagal theory and completing your own nervous system maps. The music is delivered through headphones, and you may have the option of listening in the office or at home. You will work with a certified provider to assess your response to the music and decide together if you want to continue listening on your own or with the provider. The therapeutic playlist is five hours long, and you have access to the regulating and non-filtered playlists for a year.

Safe and Sound Protocol can be used to address and improve the following:

  • Anxiety

  • Inattention and Focus

  • Auditory sensitivities

  • Behavioral Regulation and Resilience 

  • [Physical] Coordination and Balance

  • Reading and Auditory Processing

  • Sleep

  • Speech and Language 

  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Stressors that impact social engagement

If you are a client of Cactus Flower Healing, your Safe and Sound provider and mental health therapist will coordinate your care and discuss any concerns, difficulties, or progress.

Schedule Your 15-minute Care Consultation Now