Dr. Janki Dalal, ND
Dr. Janki Dalal is a licensed naturopathic physician. She is a compassionate physician who empowers her patients to lead fulfilling and healthful lives. Her professional clinical specialties include integrative approaches to mental and reproductive health concerns with a focus on anxiety, depression, PTSD, suicidality, ADHD, chronic fatigue, endometriosis, PCOS, and PMS/PMDD.
She is also trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities to treat a variety of conditions such as pain, neuropathy, menstrual concerns, headaches, insomnia, stress, and GI concerns. She has had experiences with her own health journey that were equivocal and dismissive which led her to pursue a career where she would be knowledgeable about integrative approaches to health, as well as provide high-quality trauma-informed inclusive and culturally responsive care. These experiences allow Dr. Dalal to hold conscious and compassionate space for her patients as they move through their health journey.
Modalities she regularly utilizes are acupuncture, medical cupping, Gua sha, nutrition, hydrotherapy, mind-body medicine, and botanical medicine. All of her treatments are individualized and curated through a collaborative approach with her patients to ensure the best health outcomes.
When she’s not in the clinic, she enjoys being outdoors, traveling, dancing, experimenting in the kitchen, spending quality time with friends, and cuddling with her cats.
Dr. Dalal does not take insurance and naturopathic services are cash pay. We also accept Care Credit for services with Dr. Dalal. Click HERE to learn more about pricing.
ND Sonoran University of Health Sciences in Tempe, Arizona
Bachelor of Science in Public Health from University of South Carolina