Therapy for Anxiety in Mesa, AZ

Free yourself from constant worry and panic with the help of a Mesa anxiety therapist.

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Anxiety can feel like being stuck on a hamster wheel. The parade of negative thoughts that flow from one worry to the next leads to physical symptoms - your heart starts beating faster, your palms get sweaty, and it feels like there’s a band around your chest. Anxiety can be painful, mentally and physically, but anxiety therapy can help.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health issues and women are twice as likely to be affected as men. Anxiety can range from mild to debilitating and is rarely seen as a positive (though we do need a measure of stress in our lives and it can be a functional part of adulthood). Overactive anxiety is not functional and can lead to additional mental and physical health issues.

At Cactus Flower Healing, we provide anxiety therapy for women in Mesa, AZ.

Working with an anxiety therapist can help you train your brain to slow down. Therapy for anxiety includes learning about mindfulness, emotion regulation, and being open to looking at what might be contributing to your suffering. 


“Anxiety was born in the very same moment as mankind. And since we will never be able to master it, we will have to learn to live with it— just as we have learned to live with storms.”
—Paulo Coelho


Anxiety FAQs

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What type of therapist should I see for anxiety?

There are many different types of therapists, all with varying degrees, specialties, and approaches. Below are a few of the main types of therapists:

  1. Social Worker

  2. Psychologist

  3. Counselor  

  4. Marriage and family therapist

  5. Substance abuse therapist

Therapists are trained at the Master’s level in treating people with various of mental health concerns, from anxiety to borderline personality disorder. Their graduate degrees are nearly entirely geared towards therapy.

Can a therapist provide anxiety medication?

Therapists cannot prescribe medication but they can work closely with your doctor or psychiatrist to coordinate your care.

Anxiety medication can be a good choice for people who struggle to manage their anxiety symptoms. Medication can help you live your life without the constant burden of anxiety and is most helpful in conjunction with therapy, to address the issues driving your anxiety. 

Questions to ask a therapist in Mesa, Arizona about anxiety

When searching for a therapist, there are a few questions to ask a therapist about anxiety.

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  • How do you help people with anxiety? Therapists come from all different backgrounds. Some therapists use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), while others suggest EMDR. Whatever it is, you should know before you start therapy.

  • What’s your background? Learning where the therapist went to school, what types of people they’ve helped in the past, and examples of successes can help you make an informed decision. You should see someone who has experience helping people like you.

It would help if you also asked yourself a few questions after an initial consultation.

  • Did I feel comfortable with the anxiety therapist? Feeling supported and comfortable is necessary for establishing rapport. 

  • Did we get along? There should be chemistry between you and the therapist. If there isn’t any chemistry, think twice about seeing them.

  • Did I feel safe? There’s no doubt about it: therapy is vulnerable. If you sensed that the therapist was judging you, it may not be a good fit.

You’ll likely have a sense of whether or not the therapist is right for you. Follow your gut instinct.

How to talk to a therapist about anxiety

When it comes to anxiety, it’s tough to know where to begin and how to talk to a therapist about anxiety. But it’s okay--therapists know what to say and how to start the conversation. The pressure isn’t on you--therapy is a space where you can be open, and trust that your therapist knows how to help.

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What is the best therapy for anxiety?

Within these types, therapists have different approaches, like cognitive-behavioral therapy, client-centered therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and more. We recommend seeing a licensed therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders. Our therapists take a holistic and mindful approach and use EMDR, DBT, CBT and ACT to work through trauma and teach new skills in order to create behavior change. 

Can anxiety go away with time?

Anxiety symptoms can lessen and be managed through behavior change but we are hardwired for anxiety.  Our goal in therapy is to manage and treat your anxiety, so you don’t have to struggle with it anymore. Although we cannot guarantee any particular results, we will try our absolute best together.

We will come up with coping mechanisms so you can live as unhindered as possible. Therapy is hugely helpful for people living with anxiety. Identifying triggers, sharing things without judgment, and learning ways to manage anxiety in your day-to-day life makes therapy one of the most effective ways to calm your anxiety.


Start relieving your anxiety.

It’s our goal to get to the bottom of what’s triggering anxiety in your life so you can run your life--not your anxiety.

We know you’re struggling, and we are here to help. When you’re ready, contact us to schedule a complimentary, 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll discuss what you’re going through and see if we’re a good fit for anxiety therapy.